Pure Hockey Rewards Benefits


Updated 4/15/2024

How do I enroll in the Pure Rewards program?
Joining the program is free and easy! Simply provide your email address, first and last name, phone number, and zip code at your local store or online, and you’ll be signed up in a matter of minutes!
Do I only need one Pure Rewards membership for all Pure Hockey brands?
Yes. One Pure Rewards membership is all you need to earn points and use rewards to shop at any Pure Hockey retail location (including Bauer Hockey Experience retail locations operated by Pure Hockey), or online at purehockey.com and goalie.purehockey.com.
I recently made a purchase that I’d like to apply towards my account. Can past purchases be applied to my account?
If you forgot to identify yourself as a Rewards member at checkout in store or online, you can request rewards for your purchase by calling Customer Service at 866-787-3462. Please ensure you have a copy of your receipt when you submit your request. Rewards on prior purchases must be requested no later than 30 days after the purchase was made. Purchases made more than 30 days before the request is made will not be eligible for rewards redemption.
Multiple members of my family have Pure Rewards accounts. Can we connect all of our accounts as a family?
Not at this time. Multiple people can be logged in to the same account, so the best way to do this is to have everyone in your family logged into the same account on their mobile device, or identify the primary account holder’s name, email address, or Pure Rewards ID when making a purchase. If you wish to merge multiple accounts into a single account, you can contact Customer Service at 866-787-3462.
Does membership expire?
Once you enroll in the Pure Rewards program, it lasts a lifetime. There are no expiration dates or renewal fees associated to your membership. However, membership in Pure Rewards Plus and Pure Rewards VIP does require annual re-qualification. If you do not spend enough within a specified 12-month period to requalify, your account will return to the standard Pure Rewards membership.
Can I cancel my Pure Rewards Membership?
Pure Rewards membership can be closed at any time by contacting Customer Service at 866-787-3462. If you cancel a membership, all points and unused Gift Rewards associated with the account will be forfeited and cannot be recovered. No value will be issued for unused points or Gift Rewards. If you choose to re-open an account, prior points, purchases, and Gift Rewards will not be reflected in your account.
I have two Pure Rewards accounts. Can I combine them into one?
To ensure account security, this process can only be done over the phone. Please contact Customer Service at 866-787-3462 for assistance. Please ensure that you have complete account information for all of the accounts you are trying to merge.
What are the different tiers?
There are three different tiers in the Pure Rewards program: Pure Rewards, Pure Rewards Plus, and Pure Rewards VIP.
How do I qualify for each tier?
All members automatically qualify for the Pure Rewards level upon enrollment. To qualify for Pure Rewards Plus, members must spend $600 or more on qualifying purchases in a 12-month period, starting on their initial enrollment date (“Anniversary date”). To qualify for Pure Rewards VIP, members must spend $1,500 or more on qualifying purchases in a 12-month period, starting on their initial enrollment date (“Anniversary date”).
Once I qualify for a tier, how long will I stay in that tier?
Once you qualify for a tier, you can enjoy the benefits of that tier for the remainder of the year in which you qualified, plus the entire following year. For example, if you join the program on April 1, 2018, and qualify for Pure Rewards Plus on June 30, 2018, you will be a Pure Rewards Plus member from June 30, 2018 through March 31, 2020. Said differently, you will be in Pure Rewards Plus from the day that you qualify (June 30, 2018) through the end of your customer year (March 31, 2019 – the day before your anniversary date), and then remain in that tier for the entire following customer year (April 1, 2019 – March 31, 2020). However, it’s important to note that your annual spend resets to zero each anniversary date, so if you have not reached the necessary spend threshold by the end of the second year to requalify for Pure Rewards Plus, your membership will revert to the standard Pure Rewards membership.
Pure Points
What are points, and how are they earned?
Points are earned on qualifying purchases at any Pure Hockey retail location or online at Purehockey.com. Points are earned at an accelerating rate based on your tier:
  • Pure Rewards: $1 spent = 1 point
  • Pure Rewards Plus: $1 spent = 1.5 points
  • Pure Rewards VIP: $1 spent = 2 points
  • For every 400 points you earn, you’ll receive a $10 Gift Reward!
Points are earned based on the final amount displayed on your receipt, after discounts, Gift Rewards, gift cards, and other eligible adjustments. Points are not earned on shipping expenses, tax, promotional discounts, or other ineligible price adjustments. Points are earned based on the final receipt value of your transaction, rounded down to the nearest dollar. Please note that points take approximately 48 hours to be reflected on your account.
What’s the difference between points and dollars?
Dollars spent are used to determine which Pure Rewards tier you qualify for. This total is based strictly on the amount paid at checkout during each eligible transaction, after discounts, promotions, gift cards, Gift Rewards, and other eligible adjustments have been made. Points are used to earn Gift Rewards. You earn a $10 Gift Reward each time you earn 400 points. Points can be earned at accelerating rates – by getting your skates sharpened, becoming a member of a higher tier, participating in select promotional weekends, etc. However, earning bonus points does not earn bonus dollars – dollars are only earned at a 1:1 basis.
Do Dollars reset at the start of each membership year?
Yes, Dollars reset at the start of each membership year, defined by the date you joined the program. For example, if you have $250 in your account at the end of a membership year, your Dollar amount will revert to $0 on your anniversary date. However, any points or Gift Rewards in your account at that time will not be reset.
I recently made a purchase, but don’t see any points. Where are my points?
It can take up to 48 hours for points to be reflected in your account. Please note that for online orders, points are applied to your account after your order ships, not when the order is placed. If you made a purchase more than 7 days ago and the points are still not reflected in your account, please call customer service at 866-787-3462.
Do points have any monetary value?
Points do not have any monetary value and cannot be exchanged, transferred, or sold.
Do points expire?
Points do not expire unless you cancel your Pure Rewards membership.
Do earned points reset at the start of each membership year?
No. Unlike Dollars, which count towards your Pure Rewards status, points never expire and do not reset at the start of each year. For example, if you have 250 points in your account at the end of a membership year, you will only need 50 more points to earn a Gift Reward.
What happens to my points when I return items?
Points will be deducted from your account when you make a return that was originally purchased using your Pure Rewards account. It’s possible that your Pure Rewards account could have a negative points balance after products are returned.
When can I start earning points?
You will start accumulating points as soon as you join the program and make an eligible purchase! Please note that points will only be earned if you identify yourself using your Pure Rewards Account ID, email address, phone number, or other unique identifier.
If I qualify for a higher tier at the same time that I join program, will I earn bonus points right away?
Yes, you will earn bonus points based on the tier you qualify for after your purchase. Points multipliers are only applied for the portion of your purchase that exceeds the relevant threshold. For example, if you join the program and make a purchase for $649.00 (after sales tax and any other discounts), you will earn 1X points from $0 - $599 (599 points), and 1.5X points from $600-$649 (75 points) for a total of 674 points. Please note that points take 48 hours to post to your account.
How do I keep track of my points?
Click on the My Account section. Log-in to your account with a valid username and password. You can view your purchase history within one hour of your most recent purchase for online or in store purchases, rate your shopping experience, see outstanding points, manage available Gift Rewards or even display your account barcode to our cashiers on most smartphones.
Can Points be transferred to a family member, friend, or teammate?
Points cannot be transferred to anyone else. If you wish to merge multiple accounts into a single account, you can contact Customer Service at 866-787-3462.
How are points earned on Skate Sharpening?
As a Pure Rewards member, you’ll earn bonus points on all paid skate sharpenings! Your points bonus is based on your tier.
  • Pure Rewards: 2x points/paid sharpening
  • Pure Rewards Plus: 5x points/paid sharpening
  • Pure Rewards VIP: 10x points/paid sharpening
If you use a gift card or Gift Reward to cover part or all of the cost of the Skate Sharpening, you will not earn points on that sharpening. Bonus points are only earned for full-cost skate sharpenings.
How do I track my sharpenings?
You can use the Pure Hockey app to check available sharpenings, load more sharpenings, track Pure Rewards points, shop on our website, and more!
Can I earn points on Gift Cards?
You do not earn points when you purchase a Gift Card, but you do earn points when you use the Gift Card.
Can I earn points on shipping?
You do not earn points on shipping fees. However, shipping fees do count towards your annual spend when qualifying for a higher tier.
Pure Rewards Gift Rewards
What are Gift Rewards?
Gift Rewards are similar to gift cards, and can be used to pay for future qualifying purchases at Pure Hockey or Purehockey.com.
How do I earn Gift Rewards?
Gift Rewards are earned by accumulating at least 400 points. For every 400 points you earn, you’ll receive a $10 Gift Reward.
What can I purchase with Gift Rewards?
Pure Gift Rewards can be applied to nearly any product, but does exclude some services (such as gift cards). See Pure Rewards Program Rules for more details.
Is there a minimum purchase amount to use Gift Rewards?
No, Gift Rewards can be used on any purchase in store or online.
Do I have to use the entire value of the Gift Reward in one transaction?
Partial amounts of Gift Rewards can be used over multiple transactions. If you use a Gift Reward to pay for something that costs less than the total value on the Gift Reward, you will keep the remainder of that Gift Reward, which can be applied to a future purchase.
Where can I redeem my Gift Rewards?
Pure Gift Rewards are valid at any of our retail locations or online at Pure Hockey.com. Gift Rewards cannot be redeemed at Hockeygiant.com.
Can I apply more than one Gift Reward to a single purchase?
Yes. In a store, simply present your multiple Pure Gift Rewards to a friendly cashier. You have the ability to use multiple Gift Rewards online as well, upon checkout, all of your available gift rewards will automatically be applied to your order. If you choose to save your gift rewards, you are able to remove them from your order to use for a future purchase.
Can I save up my points for a larger reward?
Every time you earn 400 points, we will automatically apply a $10 Gift Reward to your account to be used online or at our retail locations. You can apply multiple rewards to any single purchase.
Can I combine multiple Gift Rewards into one larger Gift Reward?
No, Gift Rewards cannot be merged together. However, you can use multiple Gift Rewards in one transaction.
Do Gift Rewards expire?
Gift Rewards must be used within 365 days of the date they are earned, or else they will expire.
How long does it take before I receive my Gift Reward?
Once you have accumulated 400 points or more, you will be notified of your Gift Reward via email within 48 hours of your purchase. You can check the status of your Gift Rewards by logging into the My Account section.
What if I lose my email with my Gift Rewards?
No problem! If you go to My Account, log-in using the correct username and password. Select Get Rewards and you will be able to print all available Gift Rewards you have earned.
Can I use Gift Rewards on purchases from Hockeygiant.com?
No, Hockeygiant.com purchases are not eligible for Gift Rewards.
Can I give my Gift Reward to a friend or family member?
No, Gift Rewards are not transferable and may only be used by the Pure Rewards member who received the Reward.
Do I need to print my Gift Reward to redeem it in store?
Gift Rewards can be printed and redeemed in-store, but as an alternative to printing, you can track and redeem Gift Rewards on your mobile phone through the free Pure Hockey app for iPhone or Android. You can also access your Gift Rewards balance in-store by providing the email address associated with your account.
Can anyone other than me use the Gift Rewards associated with my account?
Gift Rewards can only be used by the account holder who earned the Reward, and only when you identify yourself at the point of sale, or are signed in to your account for online orders.
What happens if I make a purchase that earns a Gift Reward, and then return that purchase?
It depends on if the Gift Reward has been used. If the Gift Reward is unused, your points balance will return to the original amount before the purchase, and the Gift Reward will be voided. If any portion of the Gift Reward has been used, you will keep the remainder of the Gift Reward, but your points balance will go below zero.
Former Breakaway Rewards Members FAQs
What changes will take place on my anniversary date?
Believe it or not, it’s been almost a year since we launched the new Pure Rewards program. Since this is your first year in the program, we wanted to remind you of a few important program features that may impact you on September 13th, 2018 (the 1-year anniversary of your enrollment in Pure Rewards)
Rewards Tier
  • Your annual spend towards qualifying for higher tiers will reset
  • If you have qualified (or requalified) for Pure Rewards Plus or Pure Rewards VIP status this year, you will remain in that tier for another year, through 9/13/2019
  • If you have not qualified (or requalified) for Pure Rewards Plus or Pure Rewards VIP, your account will revert to a standard Pure Rewards membership on 9/13/2018
Points & Gift Rewards
  • Any unused gift rewards, and any points you have earned towards your next gift reward, are unaffected by this anniversary date
Other Changes
  • Any unused skate sharpening credits will expire
  • Free return shipping will no longer be offered for online purchases

Pure Rewards Program Terms & Conditions


Pure Rewards Membership ("Membership") is open to U.S. residents of the 48 contiguous states of at least 13 years of age. By joining the program, you represent that you are at least 13 years of age or older and by using this program, you agree to the terms and conditions of the program. Your Membership is nontransferable and is subject to present and future program rules. Limit of one membership per person. Enrollment begins upon activation on the day of enrollment at any Pure Hockey retail store or purehockey.com. Breakaway Rewards members transferred to Pure Rewards on Tuesday September 12th, 2017, which for all intents and purposes is considered their “enrollment date” in the Pure Rewards program.

Earn Points

As a member of the Pure Rewards program, you earn 1 point ("Point") for nearly every $1 you spend on almost any purchase (see “Non-Qualifying Items" below) when you identify yourself as a Pure Rewards Member via member number, the Pure Hockey app, or a unique identifier like email address or phone number at the time of purchase in store or online. Points will post to your account approximately 48 hours after purchase. Earn additional Points through special offers and promotions. Point calculations are based upon dollars spent at checkout on eligible purchases less any amount spent on Non-Qualifying Items (see Non-Qualifying Items below). When products are returned in store or online, Points will be deducted from your Pure Rewards account for that purchase/return. Points apply only to the first Pure Rewards account identified with any purchase. Pure Rewards memberships, Points, and Gift Rewards have no cash value and are not transferable. Lost or stolen Pure Rewards membership information will not be replaced. You can still earn points for purchases by providing your Pure Rewards Member ID at the time of purchase. All Gift Rewards issued in the Pure Rewards Program will be electronic. They will be sent to the e-mail address of the account of the Pure Rewards Member. Pure Hockey is not responsible for communications, including Gift Rewards, lost due to change of e-mail address or other contact information. Points are not earned on purchases made at HockeyGiant retail stores or at hockeygiant.com. Other restrictions or exclusions may apply.

Gift Rewards

For every 400 points you earn in the Pure Rewards program, you will be eligible to receive Gift Rewards redeemable for at least a $10 discount off your future purchase of any eligible products at any Pure Hockey retail store location or any Pure Hockey online store. 400 points are automatically deducted from your account for every $10 in Rewards issued to you. Rewards are discounts off future in-store or online purchases and may only be redeemed for a discount off purchase amounts equal to or greater than the amount of the sum of the Rewards presented for redemption excluding tax. Rewards may not be used in conjunction with other discounts or offers toward the purchase of products. Unless noted otherwise on the Reward, Rewards must be used within 365 days of the date they are earned, or else they will expire. Rewards have no cash value and no change will be given for Rewards redemption. Rewards may only be used once. You may be notified of additional ineligible products and services. Lost, stolen or expired Gift Rewards will not be replaced. Gift Rewards cannot be used at HockeyGiant retail stores or at hockeygiant.com. Other restrictions or exclusions may apply.

Non-Qualifying Items

Pure Points will not be earned for the following purchases: Gift Cards, Gift Rewards (you will not earn Points for the value of the Gift Reward), sales tax, state fees, shipping charges, delivery charges, other excluded charges, and certain items that are excluded in particular promotions. Other exclusions may apply. Gift Rewards may not be redeemed for discounts on gift cards or prior purchases. All purchases made at HockeyGiant or Hockeygiant.com are excluded from the Pure Rewards program. Other exclusions may apply.

Return Shipping

To return any item(s) from your purchase, simply log into My Account and click on the "Need to return an item" link under the Recent Orders section. If you have a purchase within the eligible return grace period, you will be prompted to receive a UPS label sent to your account email address. Print the return label, affix to the outside of the return box and drop the box off at a UPS location near you. As always, we are happy to help. Please do not hesitate to reach out to our Customer Service Team at 866.787.3462 or [email protected]. .

Membership Changes

Pure Rewards Memberships do not expire or terminate within the lifetime of its members. However, you may cancel your Membership at any time by notifying customer service at [email protected] or 866.787.3462. Cancellation may take from 6 to 8 weeks to finalize. Pure Rewards Memberships may not be returned for credit. If your Membership is canceled, any unused Gift Rewards or accrued points associated with the account will be forfeited and cannot be recovered if the account is reactivated at a later date.

Pure Hockey may, at any time, terminate or modify the Pure Rewards program and program rules without any further obligations to members. Pure Hockey reserves the right to terminate your membership, in its sole discretion, in instances of suspected program abuse, fraud, personal misrepresentation, or any other nondiscriminatory reason. Pure Hockey also reserves the right to confer membership in higher tiers to members without reaching the necessary spend threshold at their sole discretion.

Pure Hockey may, at any time, cancel Pure Rewards memberships, or orders placed using Pure Rewards accounts for any reason.

Member Communications

For information about your Pure Rewards Account, contact us at:

Pure Hockey

Pure Rewards Member Services

89 Cross Street

Holliston, MA 01746

Phone: 866.787.3462

E-mail: [email protected]

General Information

By becoming a Pure Rewards Member, you agree to receive advertising and marketing materials and other communications from Pure Hockey. Membership rules are void where and to the extent prohibited by law. Taxes may apply where required by law.

Privacy Policy

Pure Hockey respects your privacy. We will only use your Personal Information for purposes of serving you better. "Personal Information" is any data that enables us to identify you, such as your name, e-mail address, home address, prior purchase history, mobile device ID, etc. Pure Hockey will not sell, distribute or use your Personal Information in any other way than in an effort to personalize your customer experience at any of our stores, subsidiaries or affiliates. Pure Hockey reserves the right to change, modify or update this statement at any time without notice.
